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Honors and Grants

2013 Person of Cultural Merits (a national award given to a few artists and scholars with the most outstanding contributions)
2013 Award for International Contributions to Psychology, Japanese Psychological Association
2008 Designation as an Excellent Teacher for 2007 by Hokkaido University
2007 Research Award, Japanese Psychological Association
2004 Medal with Purple Ribbon (a national medal given to a dozen of the most distinguished scholars annually)
2002 Fellowship, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
2002 Research Award, Japanese Psychological Association
2001 Fulbright Fellowship
2000 Research Award, Japanese Psychological Association
1998 Nikkei Prize for Excellent Books in Economic Science
1998 Simada Award, Japanese Society of Social Psychology
1997 Distinguished Paper Award, Japanese Society of Social Psychology
1997 Research Award, Japanese Group Dynamics Association
1993 Unique Contribution Award, Japanese Society of Social Psychology
1979 Woolston Award (Department of Society of Social Psychology
1977 Charles B. White Memorial Award (US-Japan Association in Seattle)

Research Awards and Grants Received
2011-2016 Japan Society for the promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research,
" Elucidation of Psychological-Neurological Foundations and Institutional Foundations of Pro-social Behavior."
2007-2012 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grant for Establishing a Center of Excellence, "Center for the Sociality of the Mind."
2007-2012 Japan Society for the promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, " Cultural and institutional foundations of social behavior"
2007-2010 Japan Society for the promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, " Adaptive foundations of group-bound behavior "
2006-2007 Japan Society for the promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, " Psychological foundation of reciprocal behavior: Rational view of humans and social preference"
2002 - 2006 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grant for Establishing a Center of Excellence, "Center for the study of Cultural and Ecological Foundations of Mind."
2002 - 2006 Japan Society for the promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, "Research on Psycho-social foundations for trust-based societies."
2000 - 2001 Fulbright Fellowship, "Study of the roles of culture and socio-economic incentive structures in the formation of social intelligence and trust: An evolutionary game theoretic approach."
2000 - 2001 Russell Sage Foundation Grant, "Risk taking and trust building."
1999 - 2001 Japanese Ministry of Education Scientific Research Grant, "Trust as a form of social intelligence: An integrative study of social backgrounds and psychological processes of trust,"
1995 - 1998 Japanese Ministry of Education Scientific Research Grant, "Toward a micro-macro theory of trust,"
1995 - 1998 Japanese Ministry of Education Scientific Research Grant for International Collaboration, "Micro-macro theory of trust,"
1993 - 1994 Japanese Ministry of Education Scientific Research Grant, "A theory of instrumental cooperation,"
1993 Abe Fellowship, "Trust, commitment and network formation in the United States and Japan."
1991 - 1992 Japanese Ministry of Education Scientific Research Grant, "From structural goal/expectation theory to instrumental cooperation theory,"
1990 - 1991 Japanese Ministry of Education Scientific Research Grant, "Small group experiment on social dielmmas based on the structural goal/expectation theory, II,"
1989 - 1990 Japanese Ministry of Education Scientific Research Grant, "Small group experiments on social dilemmas based on the structural goal/expectation theory,"
1987 - 1988 American Sociological Association Problems of the Discipline Grant, "Rational choice analysis of micro-macro systems of action," (with Mary C. Brinton).
1986 - 1987 National Science Foundation Grant, "Trust and cooperation in social dilemmas: The structural goal/expectation approach,"
1986 - 1988 National Science Foundation Grant, "Experimental research on social exchange networks," (with Karen S. Cook and Mary R. Gillmore).
1986 University of Washington Graduate School Research Grant, "The generalizability of small group social dilemmas research to the large scale public goods problem,"
1983 Nihon Shoken Shogaku Zaidan Research Grant, "Effects of reward distribution upon productivity in the US and Japan: A cross-cultural experiment."
1983 Japanese Ministry of Education Scientific Research Grant, "An experimental study of free-riding in small groups,"
1980 - 1982 National Science Foundation Dissertation Grant, "An experimental study of the development of distribution rules,"

Honors and Grants
Toshio Yamagishi
Toshio Yamagishi
Professor emeritus, Hokkaido University
Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University

Yamagishi has retired from Hokkaido University on March 31, 2012. His new contact address is below.

Brain Science Research Center
6-1-1, Tamagawagakuen, Machida
Tokyo, 194-8610, Japan
+81 (Japan) 42-739-8356
NSFPSB project